Stories told through photography, experimental playgrounds, colourful paintings, intricate rings and art you can walk on, drink from and get warm under. Here you can browse and explore more than 11,000 works of art – all of which have been either bought or supported by the Danish Arts Foundation.
Adam Christensen
No Need to Argue - 2022
Adam Christensen
Enjoy (Live at Shepherds Bush) - 2022
Adam Christensen
Inside of Me - 2021
Adam Christensen
Fire værker - 2018
Adam Jeppesen
Fotoserie á syv værker - 2011
Adam Saks
Grafikserie á fire værker - 2009
Adam Saks
Grafikserie á seks værker - 2009
Adam Jeppesen
Fotoserie á tre værker - 2007
Jeppe Carl Jeppesen Vontillius
Siddende mand - 1976
Adam Pivat
Det er min fars drømme, hans stemme var meget skrækkelig - 1974
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