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Anders Sune Berg
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Anders Sune Berg
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Anders Sune Berg
Anders Sune Berg
Anders Sune Berg
How to spell a sound that is physical
Ester Fleckner - 2014
  • Anders Sune Berg
    Anders Sune Berg
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"Værket undersøger, hvordan forholdet mellem sproget og kroppen ofte kan opleves som usammenhængende og fejlende
i relation til hinanden."
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Tradium - Handelsgymnasiet Randers, Rådmands Boulevard 19, 8900 Randers, Danmark
Work information
Title:How to spell a sound that is physical
Department: Arts & Crafts
Medium:Træsnit på papir, blyant
Production year:2014
Pictures and video:
Anders Sune Berg
Several works by the same artist
  • Anders Sune Berg
    Ester Fleckner
    How to spell a sound that is physical
  • Anders Sune Berg
    Ester Fleckner
    How to spell a sound that is physical
  • Anders Sune Berg
    Ester Fleckner
    How to spell a sound that is physical
  • Anders Sune Berg
    Ester Fleckner
    How to spell a sound that is physical
  • Anders Sune Berg
    Ester Fleckner
    How to spell a sound that is physical
  • Anders Sune Berg
    Ester Fleckner
    How to spell a sound that is physical
  • Anders Sune Berg
    Ester Fleckner
    How to spell a sound that is physical
  • Anders Sune Berg
    Ester Fleckner
    How to spell a sound that is physical
  • Anders Sune Berg
    Ester Fleckner
    How to spell a sound that is physical
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