G C (15,3)
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Fra Statens Kunstfonds arkiver
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Fra Statens Kunstfonds arkiver
G C (15,3)
Steffen Jørgensen - 1983
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    Fra Statens Kunstfonds arkiver
Work information
Title:G C (15,3)
Department: Arts & Crafts
Medium:Acryl på lærred
Dimensions:130 x 130 cm
Production year:1983
Pictures and video:
Several works by the same artist
  • Steffen Jørgensen
    Konfiguration med atten linier 1980, acryl på lærred
  • Steffen Jørgensen
    To femkanter i konfiguration, 1985, collage og kridt
  • Steffen Jørgensen
    To femkanter i konfiguration, 1985, collage og kridt
  • Steffen Jørgensen
    To femkanter i konfiguration, 1985, collage og kridt
  • Steffen Jørgensen
    Tre trekanter i konfiguration, 1985, collage og kridt
  • Steffen Jørgensen
    Decompositions of the Desargues- Configurations in two mutually inscribed Pentagons 1986, serigra
  • Steffen Jørgensen
    Decompositions of the Desargues- Configurations in two mutually inscribed Pentagons 1986, serigra
  • Steffen Jørgensen
    Decompositions of the Desargues- Configurations in two mutually inscribed Pentagons 1986, serigra
  • Steffen Jørgensen
    Decompositions of the Desargues- Configurations in two mutually inscribed Pentagons 1986, serigra
  • Steffen Jørgensen
    Decompositions of the Desargues- Configurations in two mutually inscribed Pentagons 1986, serigra
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