Foto: Thomas Andersen
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Foto: Thomas Andersen
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Foto: Thomas Andersen
Foto: Thomas Andersen
Foto: Thomas Andersen
Serie á to malerier
Maria Wandel - 2021
  • Foto: Thomas Andersen
    Foto: Thomas Andersen
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Retten i Esbjerg, Dokken 1, 6700 Esbjerg, Danmark
Work information
Title:Serie á to malerier
Department: Arts & Crafts
Medium:Akryl på lærred
Dimensions:120x100 cm
Production year:2021
Pictures and video:
Foto: Thomas Andersen
Several works by the same artist
  • Foto: Thomas Andersen
    Maria Wandel
    U.T. 05
  • Foto: Thomas Andersen
    Maria Wandel
    U.T. 06
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