Apply for a collaborative project
A bench extending 55 metres in length, a pavement full of poetic quotes and a giant square in the centre of Copenhagen with playground equipment, benches, manhole covers, signs and dustbins from more than fifty different countries. Art can create experiences and add new layers to the spaces we all share – and it can serve a function, too. Art can foster thought-provoking experiences in city settings, offer new perspectives on familiar places and form the backdrop of social interaction and communities.

Every year, the Danish Arts Foundation allocates twelve million DKK to art projects in public spaces and settings – for example at schools, in parks and in town squares. The participating artists respond directly to the given site in their work. All such art projects are created by professional artists working closely with the Danish Arts Foundation and the institution or local community in which the work will be placed or the art project will unfold.
Apply for funding for art projects
In order to apply for funding for art projects from the Danish Arts Foundation, you must be a public-sector institution or society. Examples include municipalities or regional and state institutions.
Get off to a good start
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Read more about how to apply to get more art in your particular area, or apply for funding for a collaborative project if you are ready.
Be inspired
Below, you can view all the works of art and art projects that the Danish Arts Foundation has helped create for specific sites. Here you will find colourful art playgrounds, artworks inspired by the spaces in which they hang and a truly super bicycle path full of poetic quotes.

Go explore the many different collaborative projects – perhaps you will be inspired to apply for an art project set in your local area.
Art project by Pernille With Madsen. Center for Sundhed, Holstebro. Photo: Jonas Søgaard
Camilla Nørgård, Boulder for Langenæs, 2016. Photo: Astrid Dalum
FOS, The Interior of Inés, Vestre Fjordpark, Aalborg
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