Find artworks
Stories told through photography, experimental playgrounds, colourful paintings, intricate rings and art you can walk on, drink from and get warm under. Here you can browse and explore more than 11,000 works of art – all of which have been either bought or supported by the Danish Arts Foundation.
Malle Madsen
Tove Storch
Untitled - 2020
Foto: David Stjernholm
Christine Overvad Hansen
Folie à deux - 2020
Foto: Michael Rygaard
Pettersen & Hein
Serie á tre skulpturer - 2020
Foto: Statens Kunstfonds arkiver
Ole Broager
Bænk - 2019
Foto: Jan Søndergaard
Rikard Thambert
Serie á to skulpturer - 2019
Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery
Jon Stahn
Fire værker - 2019
Foto: Torben Eskerod
Tina Maria Nielsen
Foto: Torben Eskerod
Alicja Kwade
Pars pro Toto - 2019
Foto: David Stjernholm
Magnus Pettersen
Foto: Nicholas Imms
Nicholas Imms
Triple Dot Study - 2018
Foto: Per Andersen
Julie Stavad
Hest, kriger, kvalme - 2018
Foto: Daniel Svarre
Daniel Svarre
Chair for Education #2 - 2018
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