Find artworks
Stories told through photography, experimental playgrounds, colourful paintings, intricate rings and art you can walk on, drink from and get warm under. Here you can browse and explore more than 11,000 works of art – all of which have been either bought or supported by the Danish Arts Foundation.
Foto: Anders Ingvartsen
Wednesday Architecture (Lise Bjerre Schmidt & Sofie Trier Mørk)
Serverings- og brødbakker - 2015
Emma Thermokander
Sebastian Holmbäck, Ulrik Nordentoft
Emma Thermokander - 2013
Stor skål
Ane-Katrine von Bülow
Stor skål - 2005
Dorte Schierup Heide
Kar - 2005
Per-René Larsen
Massiv - 2003
Stor skål med huller
Steffen Dam
Stor skål med huller - 2003
Fad med luftbobler
Steffen Dam
Fad med luftbobler - 2003
Types of Relations
Mette Winckelmann
Types of Relations - 2003
Bobbles III
Steen Ipsen
Bobbles III - 2003
Ovalt stort kar
Birgitte og Hans Börjeson
Ovalt stort kar - 2003
Sekskantet kumme
Gutte Eriksen
Sekskantet kumme - 1986
Fragment i en nuklear-tid
Claes Birch
Fragment i en nuklear-tid - 1983
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