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Stories told through photography, experimental playgrounds, colourful paintings, intricate rings and art you can walk on, drink from and get warm under. Here you can browse and explore more than 11,000 works of art – all of which have been either bought or supported by the Danish Arts Foundation.
Bo Bonfils
Stålbestik - 1988
Model til bestik, ske gaffel kniv
Arje Griegst
Model til bestik, ske gaffel kniv - 1984
Claus Bjerring
Æske - 1983
Æske (æg)
Claus Bjerring
Æske (æg) - 1987
Claus Bjerring
Æske - 1990
Vandkande med elfenbenshank
Mogens Bjørn-Andersen
Vandkande med elfenbenshank - 1984
Hængelåse, 6 stk.
Jakob Brahe-Pedersen
Hængelåse, 6 stk. - 1990
Gul cykel
Jørgen Gammelgaard
Gul cykel - 1986
Karl Gustav Hansen
Kaffe/Thekande - 1984
Bøjler med ophæng
Roald Steen Hansen
Bøjler med ophæng - 1985
Vugge AH 1, prototype
Anders Hermansen
Vugge AH 1, prototype - 1986
Ap - mobiltelefon
Jan Trägårdh
Ap - mobiltelefon - 1986
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