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Borrow Art
Every year, the Danish Arts Foundation buys works created by the very best Danish contemporary artists and artisans in order to lend them to hospitals, high schools and many other institutions. The collection contains art of every kind – from experimental prints and stories told through photography to colourful paintings, striking sculptures and art you can walk on, drink from and warm yourself by.
Apply to borrow art
You can apply to borrow art from the Danish Arts Foundation if you are/represent a public institution open to members of the general public. Examples include city halls, hospitals, schools, NGOs and embassies.
Applying is easy
  • Fill in the application form. State why you would like to borrow art, where you want to place it, and attach photos of the intended location.
  • Submit your application within one of the two annual deadlines
  • You will receive an answer to your application within twelve weeks
  • If your application is successful, you will be offered one or more works of art that can be enjoyed at your location for at least ten years, maybe more
  • The Danish Arts Foundation covers all shipping and handling costs associated with getting the art to you.
Read more about how to borrow art from the Danish Arts Foundation – or apply to borrow art now if you’re ready.
Be inspired
Read on as some of those who have received art from the Danish Arts Foundation share their thoughts on the process and the impact that having art at their institution has on its staff, users and visitors – perhaps you and your institution will be inspired to send your own application.

Below you can explore the collection of art available to borrow right now.
Photo art by Balder Olrik, 2016. Horsens Statsskole
Anne Mette Larsen, Blankets of Mid-Jutland, 2018
Claydies, True Feelings, 2010. Photo: Sara Gornitzka and Emil Thomsen Schmidt
Foto: Stine Heger
Nanna Abell
Serie á to værker - 2023
Foto: Ole Akhøj
Kristine Tillge Lund
Uden titel (bildøre) - 2023
Foto: Jan Søndergaard
Masar Sohail
Serie á fire værker - 2023
Foto: Camilla Rasborg
Camilla Rasborg
Serie á fire værker - 2023
Foto: Graysc
Nanna Starck
The aesthetic of the unpretentious - 2023
Foto: Jan Søndergaard
Aia Sofia Coverley Turan
Serie á tre værker - 2023
Foto: Statens Kunstfonds Arkiver
Anna Bjerger
Porcelain Lovers - 2023
Foto: Asta Lynge og Lagune Ouest
Asta Lynge
Trap - 2023
Foto: Ole Akhøj
Ane Fabricius Christiansen
Tilstand, 2023 - 2023
Foto: Jacob Friis-Holm Nielsen
Anders Christian Eriksen
Knitren - 2023
Foto: Jacob Friis-Holm Nielsen
Anders Christian Eriksen
Vejen med mindst modstand - 2023
Foto: Statens Kunstfonds arkiver
Esben Weile Kjær
Lovely Future - 2023
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